Saturday, December 28, 2019

Living in Military Family Housing or Living Off-Base

Living in Military Family Housing or Living Off-BaseLiving in Military Family Housing or Living Off-BaseMembers who have dependents usually have the option of living on-kusine in the military family housing for free, or off-base and receive a monthly housing allowance. Members who are assigned to locations where dependents are not allowed to travel at government expense (such as basic training, and some unaccompanied overseas assignments) can live in the barracks for free, and still continue to receive the housing allowance (for the location of their dependents), in order to provide a household for their family members. At some bases, members may not have a choice. When I was stationed at Edwards Air Force Base, in California, all First Sergeants and many commanders were required by local regelung to live on-base. It is because the Wing Commander wanted his senior leadership readily available at all times. The closest livable off-base town is Lancaster, which is about 45 miles away f rom the main base. Requirements for Family Housing To live in military family housing, you must be living in the house with your dependent(s). There are exceptions for those who are temporarily deployed, or who are serving a remote overseas tour. In these cases, the family members can continue to live in military family housing, while the member is away. If you are divorced or unmarried, and you have physical custody of a child or children for at least 1/2 the year, you qualify. If you are married and you and your spouse separate (assuming no children are living with you), and your spouse moves out, you must terminate your family housing within 60 days. Conversely, if you move out, your spouse/family lose the military housing entitlement, as well (again, within 60 days). Quality of On-Base Family Housing On-base family housing is a crap-shoot. Many bases have outstanding family housing. Other bases have on-base housing that is badly in need of renovation or replacement. Man y bases today have civilian owned military family housing. Civilian companies are contracted to build, operate, and maintained family housing, and rent it only to military members, in exchange for their housing allowance. Many overseas bases have high-rise (condo-style) on-base family housing units. Unlike barracks living, on-base family housing is rarely inspected, unless there is a complaint, or until you move out. However, on many bases, the housing office sends an inspector out to drive around once a week to make sure youre cutting your grass, as required. If not, you get a ticket. So many tickets in a designated time, and youre forced to move out of ?on-base family housing. If you live off-base, you probably wont have an inspector driving around, telling you that your grass is 1/2 inch too long (your landlord may have something to say about it, however). Waiting Lists Many bases have a waiting list, ranging from one month to a year for family housing. Therefore, if you want to live on-base, you may have to live off-base for a while when you first get there. In such cases, the military will move your property to your off-base residence, and then move it to your military family housing when you relocate there. It doesnt work the other way, however. If you live in on-base family housing, and voluntarily decide to move off-base (lets say you buy a house or something), the military wont pay for your property move. Another thing to keep in mind, if you have to live off base for a time while waiting for a military family house to become available, is to make sure your off-base lease includes a military clause that will allow you to break the lease, without penalty, if you move on-base. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act allows you to break a lease in the event of reassignment to another base, or if you deploy for 90 days or more, but moving on-base is considered a voluntary move, and is not covered under the act. Moving Out It used to be a major pain i n the neck to move out of military family housing. When you move in, the military turns over to you a spotless (and I mean SPOTLESS) housing unit and expected you to return it to them in the exact same ultra-clean condition. When I moved out of my first military family house, it took me three times to get it clean enough for the housing inspectors. I swore I would never do that again, and I didnt (the other two times I lived in military housing, I hired a cleaning service to clean when I moved out). Ive been told those days are now gone. These days, there is a pre-inspection, and the inspectors tell you exactly what to do. For example, if they plan to re-paint, you wont have to waste any time cleaning the walls. If they plan to replace the linoleum, you wont have to remove wax build-up from the floors. Some bases, I understand, now have contract cleaners that they use, once you move out, and they do the maintenance, and you dont have to hardly clean at all. Pros of Living On Bas e If you live on-base, you will be closer to support functions, such as the base exchange, commissary, youth center, or child care center. Many people like the idea that all their neighbors will be military members. Others may prefer to live off base among civilians, and forget theyre in the military when theyre not on duty. Some bases have schools right on base (either DOD-operated schools, or part of the local school district), at other bases you may have to bus or drive your child to an off-base school, so this is another factor to consider. Buying a House Some members may wish to live off-base to buy a house, rather than give up their housing allowance to live on-base. Personally, I always avoided buying a house while in the military. Ive seen too many people who bought a house, only to receive a change of assignment, and then have to go through the stress of selling it (in addition to the normal re-assignment stresses). Some, Ive seen, were not able to sell their house, an d wound up having to pay rent at their new location, and a mortgage at their old assignment (the military doesnt pay a dual housing allowance).

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Avoid Hassle During an Out-of-State Job Search

How to Avoid Hassle During an Out-of-State Job SearchHow to Avoid Hassle During an Out-of-State Job SearchThink the job market is hard now? Try searching for a job in abedrngnisher state. Job seekers who are looking long-distance will tell you that the search is exponentially harder when youre not a local candidate.Many employers wont even bother to talk to nonlocal job applicants. That might seem unfair, but their reasons make sense from their perspective. First and foremost, if they have plenty of well-qualified local candidates, they dont have any particular need or incentive to take on the hassles of long-distance candidates. And there are hassles unlike local candidates, long-distance job seekers cant generally come in for an einstellungsgesprch tomorrow, often expect travel expenses to be paid by the company, typically cant start as soon as local candidates can and sometimes require relocation assistance. Whats more, long-distance candidates sometimes change their mind about m oving at the end of the hiring process (or even after theyve already accepted the job) or worse, have trouble adjusting to the new area once on the job and leave to move back home just a few months into their employment.So its not surprising that many employers simply choose not to deal with long-distance candidates. But then where does that leave you, if youre trying to find a job somewhere else?Finding a job long-distance isnt impossible, but it will usually be harder. Here are five ways to improve your chances.1. Gird yourself for a longer search. Unless you have a strongly in-demand skill set, or youre very lucky, a long-distance search is going to take longer. Prepare yourself for that in advance, so that you dont become frustrated and demoralized.2. Explain yourself upfront. Offer some context in your cover letter to explain why youre seeking a job in this particular area, so that employers have some context for your application. For instance, you might explain that youre in the process of moving to their area to join your partner, who took a job there, or that youre from the area and excited to move back where your family is. Offering some type of explanation will help employers see you less as a long-distance candidate and more as a candidate whos in the process of becoming local. Speaking of which3. The more that you can make your move sound like a done deal, the better. Employers are skittish about out-of-town candidates for all the reasons discussed above. So the more that you can make the move sound like something that is already in the works, the more you mitigate that disadvantage. Explaining that your move is already in process or specifying a date or time frame by which you hope to be living in the area can help in that regard.4. Put the new location on yourrsum. Many employers read rsums before they even look at cover letters, so take steps on your rsumto fight the out-of-town candidate stigma there too. For instance, you can put (relocating to California) directly below your address, or even use a local address if you have friends or family already living in the location youre targeting. (If you do the latter, though, be sure that youre prepared for the possibility that youll be called and asked to come in for an interview as soon as tomorrow.)5. Make it as easy as possible for the employer to interview and hire you. Since one reason employers are wary of dealing with out-of-town candidates is the hassle involved, do everything you can to minimize that hassle. That can mean covering your own travel expenses, paying higher prices for last-minute plane tickets, forgoing relocation assistance and figuring out how you can start as soon as possible if youre offered the job.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The 5 Don#8217;t#8217;s of Video Resumes

The 5 Don8217t8217s of Video Resumes The 5 Donts of Video Resumes There are now whole websites dedicated to the creation, housing and sharing of video resumes. They are simple and fun to create, but when done incorrectly, the video resume can squash any chance of getting that call back. The following are some common missteps that can will quickly get your viewer to click the stop button.Dont send a video resume to someone who doesnt want to see a video resume. Know your audience. There are certain fields and industries in which a video resume is relevant, and there are others in which a video resume makes little sense. A position that requires innovation, creativity or tech skills, would be perfect for a video resume.The higher up you are in your industry, the less likely a video resume is the way to go. That isnt to say that video resumes arent seen as professional, but there is a time and place for such leaps outside of the box. Use common sense, and consideration for your audien ce when making the decision to submit a video resume.Dont turn this into the me hour. Obviously your resume is all about you, but keep it relevant, short and dont boast. The only information that should be included in a video resume is the same information that is presented in the black and white, paper version.Then whats the point? The point is that you can get creative with it, you can use mora tools, and you more efficiently display your attitude and personality. Plus, everyone loves video.Dont get crazy. Just dont go overboard. You have all of these tools to create an eye-catching resume, but that can quickly get out of hand. At the end of the day, recruiters still want to see a well-formatted and organized presentation of your professional experience. They are only looking for a few key things. These things should be presented in a clean, efficient format. If you spend hours on a motion graphic and the recruiter still doesnt know what you do, that is a video resume fail.Dont be a poser. It is always the point of every resume to highlight your positives, thats a given, but the video resume should convey you as you really are. Unless youre applying for the position of a used car salesman, dont get flashy, loud and obnoxious just because youre in front of a camera. And reversely, dont pretend to be an ultra-professional, suit-and-tie kind of guy if thats not who you are. The beauty of the video resume is that recruiters get a snap shot of your personality, and thats a huge part of the hiring decision. Unless you want to wind up in a company culture where you dont belong, be yourself.Dont forget the basics. With all the flashy colors and transitions, dont forget to get the meaty information in there. Again, everything that is found in the paper version of your resume should be included in the video. Recruiters dont care that you can add music to a video they need to know what you do, who you worked for, and how long you were there. They need a call-to-action and clearly stated ways of contacting you.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVAB

Arithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVABArithmetic Reasoning Sample Questions on the ASVABThere are two types of Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB Tests) that you can take with a recruiter. The questions are similar but the written test is longer than the computerized test. Computerized Test Format Most recruits will take the Computer Adapted Test (CAT - ASVAB) when they visit Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). It lasts about 90 minutes. Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) 16 questions in 39 minutes Written Test Format The Mobile Examination Test (MET - ASVAB) can be given at any site but must be referred to by a recruiter to take the written test. Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) 30 questions in 36 minutes The other written test format is the Student ASVAB which is given at high schools, vocational schools, or colleges. This test lasts approximately three hours. The Written Arithmetic Reasoning subtest of the ASVAB consists of 30 multiple choice question s, which must be answered in 36 minutes. Below are a few sample questions which are very similar to the actual questions youll see on the ASVAB 1. If 1/3 of a 12-foot board is sawed off, how much is left? (A) 4 feet(B) 3 feet(C) 8 feet(D) 6 feet 2. At a cost of $1.25 per gallon, 15 gallons of gas will cost (A) $20.00(B) $18.75(C) $12.50(D) $19.25 3. A student buys a science textbook for $18.00, a math textbook for $14.50, and a dictionary for $9.95. What is the total cost of the books? (A) $27.95(B) $42.45(C) $41.95(D) $38.50 4. Jack loaned Bob $1,500 at an annual interest rate of 7%. After one year, how much will Bob owe Jack? (A) $105(B) $1,500(C) $1,605(D) $1,507 5. A 2-ton truck is taxed at a rate of $0.12 per pound. How much is the total tax bill? (A) $480(B) $240(C) $120(D) $600 Answers 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) The ASVAB tests are designed to measure aptitudes in four domains Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial. The table below describes the content of the ASVAB tests. The tests are presented in the buchen in which they are administered. Test Description Domain General Science (GS)Knowledge of physical and biological sciences Science/TechnicalArithmetic Reasoning (AR) Ability to solve arithmetic word problems MathWord Knowledge (WK) Ability to select the correct meaning of a word presented in context and to identify the best synonym for a given wordVerbal Paragraph Comprehension (PC) Ability to obtain information from written passages VerbalMathematics Knowledge (MK) Knowledge of high school mathematics principles MathElectronics Information (EI) Knowledge of electricity and electronics Science/Technical Auto Information (AI) Knowledge of automobile technologyScience/TechnicalShop Information (SI) Knowledge of tools and shop terminology and practices Science/TechnicalMechanical Comprehension (MC) Knowledge of mechanical and physical principles Science/TechnicalAssembling Objects (AO) Ability to determine how an object will For more practice questions, you may wish to pick up a copy of my books, and information from ASVAB Fact Sheet

Monday, December 9, 2019

New Step by Step Roadmap for Cover Sheet for Resume

New Step by Step Roadmap for Cover Sheet for Resume But What About Cover Sheet for Resume? Be aware that the order of documents attached and as stated under enclosures ought to be the exact same, with resume being the first. There are many different application formats available that youll be baffled in regards to deciding on one particular definite format. The very best thing about vorlages is they can be customized to suit your requirements, and weve created a distinctive collection of the greatest cover sheet you will love for sure. It is that you can download the template for free, making the download option the single most valuable alternatives to creating the template from the ground up. Most Noticeable Cover Sheet for Resume Careers in the health care industry need a wide array of expertise and education. There are lots of the various strategies to framework a curriculum vitae. Whether you would like to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, weve g ot a sample that is relevant to your career path. There are financial specialists that could help investors obtain a better comprehension of the info introduced in sheets. Cover Sheet for Resume at a Glance Even for those who have a job which you love, its always recommended to keep your resume updated in the event you find work opening you cant resist. While it might look tedious, you always need to customize each letter to fit the particular job for which youre applying. For instance, a cover letter is a terrific place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a lengthy eu-agrarpolitik in employment. Free cover letters also handle a business in general with a position where the work seeker will be applying for. The better you understand how to use the equipment, the better you will be in a position to do your work. Whenever youre going to put in an application for a job you simply should send a resume to the company where you are likely to submit an application for t he job or where youve already applied for the job. Read the work announcement to decide whats vital for the job that youre applying for. What you would like to do will determine what sort of job it is possible to get. The Death of Cover Sheet for Resume Otherwise, you might start the letter with a concise introduction, mentioning job reference details. Without a signature at the conclusion of your email cover letter, you might be passing up incredible possible job opportunities. In fact, the notion of resume cover sheet welches not so much spread a decade ago like its today. It must have come to the picture after realizing that a good impression and presentation can also contribute to capturing the attention of a potential employer. A good resume fax cover sheet is able to help you win a great job. Plug in your info and youre all set to send off your application. Loading the truck properly is equally as vital as the care thats taken with the products. Free cover letters ne ver tackle a particular company with a particular need. The cover sheet PDF or Word can be utilized in various ways. Info might be the e-mail address or maybe contact quantity of a man who can confirm your participation. Describe how you are going to give rise to the company from Day One. A terrific cover letter is your opportunity to prove that you know the reach of the role and the businesss mission. Ergo, it truly is the ideal possibility to make a very first impression on your prospective firm. One of the greatest strategies to receive your foot in the door at an organization you would like to work for is to mention an expert connection to one of their existing personnel. You want to spell out why youre interested to work for the specific firm. If you dont deal with specific hiring needs that the business has you are showing that you didnt focus on their job advertisement. Sure, it appears that way since youre speaking about yourself, but its really about the job the bu siness is hoping to fill and the way you can meet that need. Download the internet Casino software today and you may play our totally free casino online, and be on your way to the fun and excitement of Vegas style internet casino gaming No matter your degree of job practical experience, your resume structure is crucial to making your application stick out. The only exception when you shouldnt incorporate the formal salutation is when you understand the organizations culture, and its well known theyre more casual. So however much experience youve got, our examples will let you get started. Dont forget, the secret to a great cover letter is personalization. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. A strong cover letter is able to make your application stick out from the crowd. The very first thing that you should do is be sure youre personalizing the cover letter.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Most Neglected Fact Regarding Best Resume Writing Services in New York City Quality Exposed

The Most Neglected Fact Regarding Best Resume Writing Services in New York City Quality Exposed A complete CV gives you some comfort because you are aware that youve got strong ammunition on yur side. When youre at the mid-advanced point in your career, odds are you own a LOT of experience, perhaps in 1 kind of company or one form of field. However effective youre in your work, the tricky parte is making certain that comes across. You are likely to love our work. If you believe you need help with your resume, you want to locate the best resume writing service not to compromise your opportunity to bag the position which you dream about. For some of them you will require help, while others it is possible to write by yourself. Life, Death, and Best Resume Writing Services in New York City Quality Writing is a present that comes naturally. Resumes are not something which a person composes every day. If you are searching for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. The type of essay youre looking for will be provided to you within the deadline offered to you. Probably the most populous city in america New You have the ability to City was always considered the middle of worldwide company and commerce. Detecting a job in Orlando is equally as tough because it is in every other major city. Thus, our site encourages all to scroll up to our list and discover the ideal CV writing services in NYC at this time. Nobody has more affordable resumes and far better quality in New York. Order top-notch essay at this time and certified specialists will do their very best to supply you with higher quality at affordable price. In any case, our experts spend some time exploring the sites features and interface, together with ordering a few of the services. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you wish to avoid low excellent services. The website should explain fees and supply you with a very good idea of the way the service works. Who knew essay writing may be so tough. The same is relevant for top essay writers. So when you have an essay assigned that you will need help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. Now you can purchase genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done too. Resume writing requires critical thinking and a lot of creativity concerning the means by which the info should flow, what the messaging ought to be and the way the resume ought to be designed from modest to modern. The reader will realize the value its possible to bring into the business at first. Therefore, for your convenience, you have a superb weg to monitor the advancement of the assigned writer and make sure an essay will be ready in a timely way. Ok, I Think I Understand Best Resume Writing Services in New York City Quality, Now Tell Me About Best Resume Writing Services in New York City Quality If you would like to acquire high high quality research and thesis papers in time and for a fair price, you should probably attempt using You may even check out several reviews and after that decide on the business which best suits your requirements and reasonably priced budget. The review is going to teach you whatever you will need to understand and then you are able to place your purchase confidently. Our reviews contain details like the score of the clients, our rating, starting prices, Discounts, and grade of the papers.